New Google Tool Tells You How to Make Your Site Faster

New Google Tool Tells You How to Make Your Site Faster.

Google has released Page Speed Online, a Google Labs project that analyzes any website for its speed and gives suggestions on how to improve it.

The experimental tool is straightforward to use; just type in a website and Google will come back with suggestions for how to improve that website’s speed. The suggestions are ranked as either High, Medium or Low. In addition, Google displays which rules of thumb a website is already following. Each website also gets an over score out of 100.“

via Mashable.

ImageOptim – ein kleiner Bild-„Optimierer“ für Mac

ImageOptim „optimiert“ Bilder, so daß diese weniger Platz auf der Festplatte belegen bzw die Ladezeit für Webseiten kürzer werden. Erreicht wird dies durch automatisches Einstellen der Kompressionsparameter, Entfernung von nicht notwendigen Kommentaren und Farbprofilen.

ImageOptim provides GUI for various optimisation tools: AdvPNG from AdvanceCOMP, OptiPNG, Pngcrush, JpegOptim, jpegtran from libjpeg, Gifsicle and optionally PNGOUT. It’s excellent for publishing images on the web (easily shrinks images “Saved for Web” in Photoshop) and also useful for making Mac and iPhone applications smaller.

URL: (via D.D.)

Kod – ein neuer Code-Editor für OS X

Der Entwickler Rasmus Andersson arbeitet an einem neuen Code-Editor für Mac OS X. Der Kod genannte Editor soll besonders flink sein, setzt auf ein schlankes Interface und konsequent auf moderne Technik.
Kod ist auf parallele Bearbeitung ausgelegt, um Multi-Core-Prozessoren möglichst gut auszunutzen. Aufgaben wie das Laden von Dateien oder Syntax Highlighting werden über vorhandene CPU-Kerne verteilt, um Wartezeiten zu minimieren. Syntax Highlighting steht derzeit für mehr als 65 Sprachen zur Verfügung, denn Kod nutzt dazu die gleiche Syntax wie GNU Syntax Highlight.


Goals and features

  • Fully concurrent — loading files, syntax highlighting, etc is distributed across available CPU cores. Minimal waiting time.
  • Integrated scripting environment based on Node.js.
  • Written from scratch with modern OS X 10.6 APIs providing maximum OS integration while avoiding reinvention of the wheel.
  • Sports a Chromium-like user interface where tabs can be torn off and moved between windows.
  • Allows editing (although not saving, currently) remote files accessible over HTTP or HTTPS.
  • Styling of the editor (not only the syntax highlighting) through regular CSS 3.
  • Comes with support for over 65 different languages/syntaxes which can easily be edited or extended (Kod uses the same format as GNU Syntax Highlight).


Deutsche Bahn auf Facebook und die Sache mit dem Chefticket

Nach langem Zögern hat die Deutsche Bahn nun einen großen Schritt vollzogen und sich der social media communty gestellt. Unter gibt es eine Facebook-Seite, die ziemlich schnell über 34,000 follower gesammelt hat. Und auf der man ein günstiges Ticket kaufen kann. Und die Bahn hat auch an ein Community Management gedacht, welches sich – leider manchmal nur mit vorgefertigten Textpassagen – einem riesigen Ansturm stellt und sich redlich bemüht!

Deutsche Bahn auf Facebook

Andere Unternehmen würden schon etwas darum geben, eine so große Anzahl an Fans zu erreichen. Die Deutsche Bahn hat offenbar erst mal einen Testballon gestartet – also das „Chefticket“ – und nun stellt sich doch die Frage, wie man die ganzen Fans weiter bei Laune hält? Vanity URLs sind in Facebook nicht mehr zu ändern, und daß die Bahn dauerhaft unter „chefticket“ zu finden sein wird ist eher unwahrscheinlich.  Obwohl die Bahn bei Twitter ja auch nicht unter „deutschebahn“ erreichbar ist…

Wird sich die Bahn nach dem Auslaufen des Cheftickets wieder aus dem Social Web verabschieden? Und woanders einen neuen Fan-Kreis aufbauen?

Why to claim a Facebook place

Facebook Places is public now. There are already some places out there, owned by other peaple. May be your company is one of these, but s/o filled wrong data and you want to change it? Or you want to advertise for your place?

Once you claim your Place, you’ll be able to advertise it just as you advertise your Facebook Page. To advertise your Place, click „I want to advertise something I have on Facebook“ in the ad creation flow and choose your Place from the drop-down menu.

How do I claim a Place I represent?
To claim your Place, search for your business name on Facebook via the normal Search bar. If your business’s Place already exists on Facebook, click on it to visit its page. At the bottom left side of your Place there will be a link that says „Is this your business?“ Click on the link and you will be directed to a claiming flow.

We will ask you to verify that you are the owner through a phone verification process, or you may be asked for document verification. Once your claim is confirmed, you will own your Place on Facebook.

Why should I claim my Place on Facebook?
By claiming your Place you can manage your Place’s address, contact information, business hours, profile picture, admins and other settings.

I can’t find my Place on Facebook.
Facebook Places is still in development and does not yet include all business locations. If you cannot find your Place by searching for it on Facebook, you can create your Place yourself.

To create a new place, follow these steps:

  • Access the Places application on your supported device.
  • Click „Check In.“
  • Click the „Add“ button to the left of the Places Names search box.
  • Enter a name for the new Place as well as an optional description of it. Then, click the „Add“ button at the bottom right of the page.
  • Click the „Check In“ button to share your visit.

Keep in mind that any Place that you create is public. This means that other people may see your created Place while browsing Facebook or the Places application.

Once you create your Place, search for it again on Facebook, follow the „Is this your business?“ link, and begin the process to claim your Place. Please note that more Places will be added over time.

Can I target ads to people who have checked in to my Place?
No, this is not currently possible. However, you may target people who ‘Like’ your Place page if you have performed a Page to Place merge.

Google Analytics with multiple accounts

<script type="text/javascript">
var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-123456-7']);
_gaq.push(['t2._setAccount', 'UA-98765-4']);
_gaq.push(['t2._setCookiePath', '/c2/']);
(function() {
var ga = document.createElement('script');
ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '';
ga.setAttribute('async', 'true');

java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01843: not a valid month

You think it is easy to insert a date into a database? Then you never tried it on an Oracle database! Today I spent some time on the „java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01843: not a valid month“ – exception. It was caused by the query

Query: UPDATE myTable SET dataSent=?, dataSentDate=? WHERE email=? Parameters: [Y, 2010-05-17 11:49:50,]>

… but the date looks good, or? Some documentation showing this notation. But Oracle (and the web) says it was caused by a date specified an invalid month. Valid months are: January-December, for format code MONTH, and Jan-Dec, for format code MON. Action: Enter a valid month value in the correct format. I tried to change my SimpleDateFormatter…

new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss").format(new Date());
new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MMMMM-dd hh:mm:ss").format(new Date());
new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss").format(new Date());

.. but nothing woked. Finally I found the solution: you have to tell Oracle the formatting of the date! So changing the insert statement like this…

update("UPDATE member SET dataSent=?, dataSentDate=to_date(?,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') WHERE email=?", updateParams);

.. and of course change the SimpleDateFormatter to the same brings me to the solution!